Sunday, March 11, 2018

Let's Just Say.....

    Hyopthetically speaking, let's just say I may or may not have come up with a new idea for our series. So as you may remember, I went to a DECA states competition and I won 6th in the state in my category (go me!) but all I could think about was the cost of my upcoming international competition. Today, we got with our classmates to discuss our ideas and share our critiques. I saw that my classmates are super talented, but one of my fellow group members is doing a documentary on her class. And then it hit me: a docuseries based on DECA and how it is perceived within Cypress Bay. Being that I'm in the class and have competed, I have access to teachers and students that can help me. 
    Wait hold on. Maybe I should explain what has happened this year so you can really understand why my classmates LOVED this idea. To make a long a story short a petition was made within the school for the leader of DECA to "release the spreadsheets" and explain where fundraiser money goes towards since students have to sell candy at least 4 times a year to fund competitions and events. So, basically a great majority of Cypress Bay students think DECA is corrupt. :-)
    Being that I have access to the teachers and I personally know the person who started the petition, if my group members like the idea this project is going to be juicy!

Image result for spill the tea

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Creative Critical Reflection

Well guys, it truly has been a blast making this project but wow I am so happy we finished it! Thank you to the cast for helping us create s...